Announcements 4/7/24



1. Lovedwell Clothing Swap April 13th 12-2. $10 to participate. Funds go to Compassion fund. WOMEN ONLY! Snacks and Drinks available. If you would like to donate or participate or both contact Pastor Dominique on Sunday Page. (Clothes, Shoes, Accessories, and unused makeup)

2. Baptism Sunday April 28th. Lunch at Merritts afterward. (Invite people to come and stay for lunch. Also, invite people who might want to be baptized to let us know. The slide will have a QR code or they can talk to Justin or Joel)

3. WE RETURN THE THE ARBORETUM on May 5th for Worship. (Invite to mark calendars and tell people who might be new to this we will worship at Coker Arboretum 10 AM starting in May through June.)


5. Giving Options/Connect Card


Benediction ()


Giving Liturgy

Thank you, Father, for all you have given us. Everything comes from you, and we give back to you only what comes from your hand. We are grateful, Lord Jesus, for your extravagant generosity in becoming poor for us that we, through your poverty, might experience the riches of your love. Free us as a church community to excel in the grace of generosity that you may be glorified

others may benefit, and we might overflow with joy.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
