thank you for joining us for worship at the varsity, 10 AM

our name is our mission: to love chapel hill with the heart of Jesus

Whether you're looking to connect in person or online, we're so glad you're here! This page is your guide for the Sunday service including sermon notes, ways to serve, and upcoming events

If you are new with us today and want to learn more about Love Chapel Hill say "Hi" below


| The Message | Connections | Giving | Next Steps  | Upcoming Events

Lots of ways to give!



Give a one-time or recurring gift online by debit/credit or ACH payment


Text to Give:

Text "GIVE" to 919-887-9577

PayPal: One-time or recurring options


Want to donate stocks? We use a service called:


To mail a check send to:

Love Chapel Hill

PO Box 3573

Chapel Hill, NC 27515

join us as we bring love to the streets of chapel hill

Today.Yesterday.Tomorrow. You are loved. 

To be seen and known is a desire for us to find meaning and love in this world. Jesus teaches us to love those who are unseen. In a simple expression of love we annually provide in multiple locations "Love Buckets" throughout Chapel Hill. These Love buckets hold a simple flower with an attached heart. On the heart is a message of love for anyone who would like to take this expression of love with them.

We invite you to join us in this process of providing the flowers to the people of Chapel Hill. There are two opportunities to get involved. On Thursday February 13th we will prep 2000 carnations with the hearts and place them in the buckets. We will provide food, fun, and laughter as we put together these tokens of love. The next opportunity is the morning of February 14th. We will be placing the Love Buckets throughout the sidewalks of Chapel Hill including the hospital and university.


Join Us:

2/13 6:30 PM at 104 S. Estes Dr. Chapel Hill, NC for bucket prep


2/14 7 AM for delivery of Love Buckets



SAVE THE DATE! Feb 28th & March 1st

Gather 25 is a scheduled live gathering of the Global Church across six continents for a time of prayer, worship, repentance and commissioning. Across time zones, languages, and denominations, this gathering will bring together all those professing faith in Jesus for 25 hours. During the 25 hour event, there will be seven core sessions across continents. Each session will be hosted by a single country. During each session, you can expect to hear stories, teaching, and worship from multiple locations across the globe. 

Love Chapel Hill is hosting a live-stream of Gather 25 right here at the Varsity. It will run from 8pm on Friday, February 28th until 9pm on Saturday, March 1st. We invite you to come experience Gather 25 for any portion of that 25 hour period that you are able!

Find out more at

This event is FREE. Registration is optional, but helps us to anticipate traffic flow and volunteer needs. Register to attend below:

Register for Gather 25

Interested in helping us make the event run smoothly? Sign-up for a 2-3 hour volunteer slot below:

I Want to Help

Ash Wednesday Service

Join us on March 5th at the Varsity Theatre as we enter the Lenten Season. We will have a service from 8:30-9 AM in the lobby. Additionally, pastors will be available for anyone who would like to stop in to receive ash until Noon. 

LOcal needs of our community

We are not alone in loving Chapel Hill or anywhere in loving with the Heart of Jesus. We are thankful to partner with some amazing organizations that are meeting people where they are at and loving them in their needs. Please take a look at how you can be of help as they love others.


  • Reality Ministries: Reality loves adults with or without mental disabilities to provide opportunities to experience belonging, kinship, and the life changing reality of Christs Love. NEEDS:  Home Group Hosts in the Fall for Monday evenings. This will be for 8-10 adults in Chapel Hill
  • IFC: Our friends at Inter-Faith Council are making a difference everyday in confronting poverty. They provide daily hot meals, food pantry, and shelter to our community. They are always in need of volunteer help. 
  • CEF: The Community Empowerment Fund is a group of people dedicated to reducing the racial wealth gap in our community. CEF provides help to people in need of employment, housing, education, and daily needs for living. They need help with being advocates who provide personal care for individuals by getting to know them and finding the solutions they need.  
  • TABLE: TABLE's mission is to impact food insecurity in children in our community. They provide meals and groceries direct to homes. They always needs volunteers to help package food bags and deliver to the doors of those they serve. 
  • Furniture Project: Jane and Jeff Hathaway lead this amazing organization through our friends at St. Thomas More to provide and transport furniture items to people rehoused. They need help with deliveries and donations. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Love in chaos

by: Pastor allison otwell

Have you ever thought to yourself, “What is this world we’re living in?” Or, maybe, “How did we get here?, What is all this chaos and noise around me?, How can I get away from it? Or How do we fix it?, How can I even begin to make a difference?” If the sense of division and tension feels ever increasing, you’re not alone! Jesus stepped into a time and place that was deep in chaos and division where he didn’t reveal a hidden escape route, but he showed his disciples how to engage a world riddled with conflict. In this series, we’re going to explore what it means for us to live as people of faith in Jesus - to Love in chaos.


Help Us Make New Friends

In our mission to Love Chapel Hill with the Heart of Jesus we have the privilege of coming beside those that love our community as much as we do. Meeting the needs of those who have the least to assuring the invisible is seen we want to walk with those who are going before us in love.

Upcoming Love Mission Opportunities: 

'Love Buckets" love mission on February 13th and 14th. We will prep and deliver over 2000 flowers to the streets of Chapel Hill. 

Hurricane Helene Relief work will be on-going. Contact Pastor Joel for more information on how to get involved. 

If you know of an organization or group that is loving our community we want to see how we can help.

Please help us make new friends who can partner together to make a difference in our community. Our Love Mission Team will reach out to see how we can help them continue their work.

You can let us know who you think we can help by either filling out a form in the lobby of the Varsity or filling out this virtual form below.


Here is the locations and ministries you have provided to offer our time and resources to love with the heart of Jesus. 

Local Love Mission Opportunities

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...

Join a small group

We have some exciting Small Group Opportunities happening now. We encourage you to navigate life in community. Here are some opportunities to grow in faith as we follow Jesus together. Visit the

Small Groups Page for more info.


Next Steps

Together lets take the next step to grow in what it means to follow Jesus. We have both in-person and virtual options for you to join in Community, Mission, and Discipleship.

Select the area you are interest in and our Connections Team will be with you to help you.

  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

  • Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

Connect with Us

New with us? We'd love to connect with you! Just drop your name and preferred contact info on the Connect Card to get updates and take your next step with us. 

Connect Card

A donation will be made to TABLE in your honor when you complete the card for the first time. 

Need a Ride?

If you need a ride to our Sunday Worship gatherings, we would love to help. Call the Love Bus at 919-960-1584 before 8:30 am on Sunday mornings and leave a message with the following:

-Your name

-Pickup Location

-Call back number

Note: The Love Bus is limited for pickup based on time availability to the Chapel Hill/Carrboro area.

Thank you for Worshiping with Us!

We would love to connect with you! If you haven't already, please drop by the welcome table in the lobby or complete a connect card online. We look forward to seeing you again next Sunday at 10 am at The Varsity or Online

You are sent to Love Chapel Hill with the Heart of Jesus