Welcome to love!

Love Chapel Hill is an authentic church community, loving God and loving one another, and we're so glad you're here! No matter where you're coming from or where you've been - you're right here, right now, and we're excited to meet you! We invite you into an encounter with Jesus as you connect with us on Sunday morning or at any of our mid-week gathering opportunities. You're invited to jump in as we practice the ways of Jesus together! Scroll on down to get a sense of what to expect and how to connect.


Sundays: What to expect

We show up to meet and worship Jesus in community in the heart of Chapel Hill - in the middle of downtown and across the street from the University.

We meet in the historic Varsity Theatre; a casual, laid back environment, where you'll be welcomed with amazing coffee from our neighbors at Epilogue - before you even get to the front door. Fresh bagels from our friends at Brandwein's Bagels are waiting for you just inside. 

The worship service, led by our band and our teaching team, is filled with songs of praise and teaching from the Old and New Testament Scriptures to reveal who Jesus is and how He is leading us today; Right Here, Right Now. 

Beginning at 10 a.m. (or maybe a few minutes after), the service typically runs to 11:15-11:30 a.m., including the celebration of Holy Communion each week.  Want to see what it's like? Check out videos from previous services on YouTube

Directions / parking / RideS

The Varsity Theatre is located at 123 E. Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Parking is FREE & easy on Sundays in Downtown Chapel Hill. There are parking lots and decks available behind The Varsity on Rosemary Street. There is also on-street parking available on East and West Franklin Street. 

Directions      Parking Map


Need a ride? Call 919-960-1584 to leave a message before 8:30 a.m. on Sunday for the Love Bus to pick you up anywhere in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro area.

Preaching TEAM

Meet our preaching team! We firmly believe in the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:5), that some have been called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers (Ephesians 4:11-13), and that plays out at LCH in all areas of ministry. Specifically in the area of preaching, on any given Sunday morning, you'll hear from one of these five folk, called and equipped to preach the Word.


We love to gather to worship, learn from Scripture, pray, and play together! Our classrooms provide fun, safe, and engaging environments. We provide unique classroom experiences for Infant (age 3 months) to Grade 5. We offer care for infants through age 3 for the length of the entire gathering (10AM-11:30).  Pre-K through Grade 5 participate in the first part of our worship with the entire church, before being dismissed to their class to fellowship and dive into Scripture in an engaging way. Learn more here on our LCHkids page.

Our Mission

See also: Our Name... Really, we often say it this way - "Our name is our mission: to Love Chapel Hill with the heart of Jesus." Love is an active verb demonstrated in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.  Through discipleship and mission, in the context of community, we receive that love, grow in it, and share it with the people all around us. 

Want to learn more about what we believe and how we live it out, check out the "About Us" page.

connect here

  • Want to let us know you're coming on a Sunday morning?  
  • Looking for a small group or Bible Study?
  • Ready to join one of our serve teams on Sunday or to help with Love Missions?
  • Want to connect with a pastor or share a prayer need?